
[ Y ] style - [ Group Gift ] April

As the men in our group got seriously neglected lately, we're making up for this shame by throwing in two different colors of our latest release - the Sunahama Necklace. The exclusive group gift versions come in lime and orange and will be available in the group notices so you better hurry and get them before they disappear in two weeks. The [ Y ] group now has a join fee of 50L but considering there's at least one set given out every month, it is surely worth the little investment.

[ Y ] style - Sunahama Necklace

Finally a new release for men. The Sunahama Necklace is made of three black leather cords adorned with beads in silver, steel and a contrasting color. The necklace has the optimum length to work with simple shirts and is resizeable via script. 

Available colors: blue, green, purple, red, pearl and teal (with silver and steel metal beads) 
Permissions: no mod/copy/no trans
Features: resizeable via script